lunedì 15 giugno 2015

i. 0104, untitled (asemic piece)


installance n. : # 0104
type : asemic text
size : cm 1 x 4
record : lowres shot
additional notes : abandoned
date : Apr. 28th, 2015
time : 2:06pm
place : Bologna, via Indipendenza

martedì 10 marzo 2015

i. 0103, untitled (asemic piece)


installance n. : # 0103
type : asemic text
size : cm 10.5 x 13
record : lowres shot
additional notes : abandoned
date : Mar. 7th, 2015
time : 11:06am
place : Rome, via Carlo Porta

sabato 10 gennaio 2015

i.0102, merzbau

installance n. : # 0102
type : merzbau
size : unknown
record : lowres shot
additional notes : abandoned
date : Jan. 10th, 2015
time : 1:52pm
place : Rome, via D. Cerquetti


lunedì 5 gennaio 2015

i.0101, note from the "asemic encyclopaedia"


installance n. : # 0101
type : asemic text
size : approx. cm 7 x 10
record : lowres shot
additional notes : abandoned
date : Jan. 5th, 2015
time : 7:07pm
place : Rome, via di Monteverde

giovedì 25 dicembre 2014

i.0100, untitled


installance n. : # 0100
type : asemic text
size : approx. cm 10 x 13.5
record : lowres shot
additional notes : abandoned
date : Dec. 16th, 2014
time : 4:26 pm
place : Rome, via Francesco Berni

venerdì 12 settembre 2014

i.0099. untitled


installance n. : # 0099
type : asemic text in green
ink on tiny paper fragment
size : unknown
record : see photo
additional notes : lost
date : unknown
time : unknown
place : unknown place in Rome

giovedì 28 agosto 2014

i.0098, untitled


installance n. : # 0098
type : asemic text
size : approx. cm 10 x 13.5
record : lowres shot
additional notes : abandoned
date : Aug. 28th, 2014
time : 4:54 pm
place : Rome, via di Monteverde

i.0097, untitled


installance n. : # 0097
type : asemic text
on green fragment
size : approx. cm 3 x 0.8
record : see photo
additional notes : lost
date : Aug. 27th, 2014
time : unknown
place : unknown place in Rome

sabato 23 agosto 2014

i.0096, untitled


installance n. : # 0096
type : asemic text
size : approx. cm 10x13
record : lowres shot
additional notes : abandoned
date : Aug. 22nd, 2014
time : 4:39 pm
place : Rome, via Volsinio

venerdì 22 agosto 2014

i.0095, untitled ("do not")

("do not")

installance n. : # 0095
type : asemic / non-asemic message
size : approx. cm 6.5 x 10
record : lowres shot
additional notes : abandoned
date : Aug. 21st, 2014
time : 3:34 pm
place : Rome, via Ingrassia

domenica 20 luglio 2014

i.0094, untitled (deaf defiant reading device)

("deaf defiant reading device")

  installance n. : # 0094
  type : paper fragment with   words on it
  size : unknown
  record : lowres shot
  additional notes : abandoned
  date : Jul. 14th, 2014
  time : 10:20 am
  place : Rome, via di Monteverde

mercoledì 9 luglio 2014

i.0093, untitled (drawing)



  installance n. : # 0093
  type : drawing
  size : cm 14.7 x 10.5
  record : bad lowres shot
  additional notes : abandoned
  date : Jul. 8th, 2014
  time : 7:30 pm
  place : Rome, via D. Cerquetti

domenica 6 luglio 2014

i.0092, untitled ("frammento disegnato a frammenti")

("frammento disegnato a frammenti")

installance n. : # 0092
type : paper fragment with
drawings on it
size : unknown
record : lowres shot
additional notes : abandoned
date : Jul. 4th, 2014
time : 4:09 pm
place : Rome, via Archiano

domenica 29 giugno 2014

i.0091, untitled ("schema analitico per la ricostituzione del disciolto partito comunista")

(schema analitico per la ricostituzione del 
disciolto partito comunista)

  installance n. : # 0091
  type : paper fragment with 
  words and diagrams on it
  size : unknown
  record : very bad lowres shot
  additional notes : abandoned
  date : Jun. 28th, 2014
  time : 5:23 pm
  place : Rome, via di Monteverde

mercoledì 11 giugno 2014

i.0090, untitled (asemic syllogism)

untitled (asemic syllogism)

installance n. : # 0090
type : asemic stuff
size : unknown
record : lowres shot
additional notes : abandoned
date : Jun. 10th, 2014
time : 5:09 pm
place : Rome, via Damaso Cerquetti

domenica 8 giugno 2014

i.0089, lost drawing

untitled (lost drawing)

installance n. : # 0089
type : paper fragment with
black ink drawing on it
size : unknown
record : lowres shot
additional notes : abandoned
date : Jun. 8th, 2014
time : 6:57 pm
place : Rome, via Ingrassia

domenica 20 aprile 2014

i.0088, lost item

untitled (lost item)

installance n. : # 0088
type : paper fragment
with asemic glyphs on it
size : unknown
record : lowres shot
additional notes : lost
month : April, 2014
date and time : unknown
place : Rome, unknown place

venerdì 18 aprile 2014

unnoticed art festival 2014

(No One Knows) What Will Be Happening?
The Unnoticed Art Festival takes place during an ordinary weekend in May, in an ordinary Dutch city. 
The location of the festival will remain a secret, even to the performers, until the weekend itself.
The Unnoticed Art Festival involves a series of performances that are ‘hidden’ within every-day activities in public spaces. 

Artists from all over the world responded to an open-call for performance concepts that explore the balance between public/private spaces and expected/unexpected behavior.
The chosen concepts are written in the form of manuals or instructions. A group of 35 volunteer performers will execute these performances, without knowing before-hand the location, or setting, of their act. 
The performers have a double role: they are the participants, as well as the only audience that is aware that an art festival is taking place.
What Then? On the 31st of August, an event will take place in

giovedì 20 marzo 2014

i.0087, untitled (red written fragment)


untitled (red written fragment)

installance n. : # 0087
type : red paper fragment
with asemic glyphs on it
size : unknown
record : lowres shot
additional notes : abandoned
date : Feb. 3rd, 2014
time : 10:38 am
place : Rome, via San Vincenzo de' Paoli

sabato 15 febbraio 2014

(excerpt) / differx. 2013


with the word "installance" i tried to give a name to the 'thing'/action (or non-action) i usually do when 

quickly drawriting a sibyl then leaving her (it?) to the flux...

strolling around, or waiting in some hospital room or empty spaces, etc


martedì 21 gennaio 2014

i.0086, untitled (tiny string of wool)

untitled (tiny string of wool)

installance n. : # 0086
type : string of wool
size : unknown
record : lowres shot
additional notes : abandoned
date : Jan. 21st, 2014
time : 2:15 pm
place : Rome, via di Monteverde

lunedì 20 gennaio 2014

l'oggetto è abbandonato

il discorso sull'abbandono è quello sul lasciare l'oggetto / segno / scrittura / traccia all'ambiente, addirittura a "tutti". (questo per le installance), svincolando la cosa lasciata dal 'valore' (anche estetico) senza vincolarla a 'un' destinatario, e nemmeno all'indicazione autoriale precisa. (tutti gli oggetti abbandonati in forma di installance sono senza firma).

gli oggetti possono così essere 'pacchetti di senso' lasciati liberi di trovare il loro destinatario. 

da nessuno a tutti, o a qualcuno (che se ne appropria come dono, senza che il dono sia 'firmato' né nel senso dell'arte, né nel senso del design/prestigio, né nel senso e segno autoriale). (la firma - intesa come passaggio di senso - è un addendum messo da chi trova l'oggetto, quando e se lo trova e lo prende con sé, volendo).

sabato 11 gennaio 2014

i.0085, untitled ($)

untitled ($)

installance n. : # 0085
type : asemic writing on paper
size : unknown
record : low-lowres shot
additional notes : abandoned
date : Jan. 8th, 2013
time : 7:06 pm
place : Rome, via Ingrassia

venerdì 10 gennaio 2014

i.0084, untitled (rizlasemics)

untitled (rizlasemics)

installance n. : # 0084
type : asemic on rizla card
size : cm 7x3
record : lowres shot
additional notes : abandoned
date : Jan. 3rd, 2014
time : 10:24 am
place : Rome, Circonvallazione Gianicolense
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