host / lost
dérive / river
01. a secretly performed installation is an installance
02. an installance and its (non)action may or may not be recorded
03. yes, you can take several notes and produce and pile up documents as well
04. part of the stuff involved in the installance can be abandoned, lost —or not
05. it's funny that : (04) + the absence of "observers" = installance
06. notes, records, documents —if any— may or may not be published
07. this webspace can host one or more notes per installance
08. this webspace is made for theories too. in Italian too
09. this place won't host simple installations and/or performances
10. of course, all of the above are definitely/strongly linked to dada, surr-, fluxus, conceptual art, asemic writing
11. the trivial, the forgotten, the indefinite, et toutes les dérives may sometimes turn into installances. and, yes, the flux hosting "the lost things" may actually be a real river
12. the word & (non)action "installance", in association with all the dépense one can put into the idea and practice, are (CC) differx : they're not kind of brand, TM shit, etc etc. they're anarchist stuff, take them and do what you want