giovedì 28 aprile 2011

soon @ Bury (Manchester)

Soon, @ the Bury Text Festival, a series of installances
by differx (as usual)

martedì 19 aprile 2011

i.0029, untitled (asemic sibyl)


installance n. : # 0029
type : asemic sibyl
size : unrecorded
record : lowres shot
additional notes : abandoned
date : Apr. 15th, 2011
time : 03.00pm
place : an isle in Rome

domenica 17 aprile 2011

i.0028, untitled (asemic sibyl)


installance n. : # 0028
type : asemic sibyl
size : unrecorded
record :lowres shot
additional notes : abandoned
date : Apr. 5th, 2011
time : 04.00pm
place : Rome, p.le dei Partigiani