domenica 20 aprile 2014

i.0088, lost item

untitled (lost item)

installance n. : # 0088
type : paper fragment
with asemic glyphs on it
size : unknown
record : lowres shot
additional notes : lost
month : April, 2014
date and time : unknown
place : Rome, unknown place

venerdì 18 aprile 2014

unnoticed art festival 2014

(No One Knows) What Will Be Happening?
The Unnoticed Art Festival takes place during an ordinary weekend in May, in an ordinary Dutch city. 
The location of the festival will remain a secret, even to the performers, until the weekend itself.
The Unnoticed Art Festival involves a series of performances that are ‘hidden’ within every-day activities in public spaces. 

Artists from all over the world responded to an open-call for performance concepts that explore the balance between public/private spaces and expected/unexpected behavior.
The chosen concepts are written in the form of manuals or instructions. A group of 35 volunteer performers will execute these performances, without knowing before-hand the location, or setting, of their act. 
The performers have a double role: they are the participants, as well as the only audience that is aware that an art festival is taking place.
What Then? On the 31st of August, an event will take place in